Germany, public workshop on „What means to study at universities in Europe in a modern way?”

On the next 6 October 2022 will be organised a Public Workshop on „What means to study at universities in Europe in a modern way?” within the SWEDA Project Course.


9:30 Welcome and Introduction / Thomas van Elsen (Univ. of Kassel , Biancamaria Torquati (Univ. of Perugia) , Bianca Bisiach (EGINA), Lena Franke (Univ. of Kassel)

10:00 Presentation of student project approaches within the SWEDA project

11:00 Presentation of EVERGREEN project by participants from Italy

11:30 Social Farming with refugees – agriculture as a path of inclusion, Claudia Schneider, Thüringer Ökoherz e.V.

12:30 Lunch in university canteen

13:30 Transformation elements of agroecological study programmes, Holger Mittelstraß, University of Kassel, Interdisciplinary planning and didactics in organic farming

14:15 Participatory learning approaches – Education for Sustainable Development focused on agriculture / In the Greenhouse for Tropical Crops in Witzenhausen/Kassel University /
Marina Hethke, Curator of Greenhouse for Tropical Crops