On 8 June 2023 in Brussels took place the SWEDA Project Final Conference and International Round Table, at Umbria Region office.
The event agenda started with the keynote speech by Fabio Cossu, Unità A1 Policy perspectives, DG AGRI, European Commission; there was a following introduction to the project, coordinated by Mrs Bianca Torquati, Professor at University of Perugia and the presentation of Educational and Policy Recommendations, by Mr Francesco Romagnoli, Professor at Riga Technical University.
The policy recommendations are drafted by merging the output from the SWEDA concepts aligned with the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in a sort of bottom-up approach. In fact, CAP is one of the essential policy frameworks in the European Union (EU) that aims to support and regulate agriculture, rural development, and the sustainable management of natural resources.
The summarized policies are the following:
- Enhance Sustainability;
- Support Agroecological and multifunctional farm practices;
- Foster Rural Development;
- Encourage Young Farmers;
- Improve Animal Welfare;
- Promote Social farming;
- Promote Resilience and Risk Management;
- Simplify Administrative Procedures;
- Foster Innovation and Digitalization;
- Encourage Collaboration and Cooperation;
- Monitor and Evaluate Performance;
- Recognition and Support;
- Capacity Building and Training;
- Collaboration and Networking;
- Research and Evaluation;
- Effectiveness of policy Integration;
- Accessibility and Inclusion;
- Communication and Awareness;
- Monitoring and Quality Assurance.
The second step of the conference was focused on the organisation of 3 round tables on the “Impact of green transformation on VET and HE”, coordinated by Altheo Valentini, General Manager at EGInA Srl.
The consortium invited a pool of experts and representatives from EU authorities and networks in order to share the main findings of the SWEDA project, validate the recommendations and identify priority areas for further collaboration and innovation in the field.
The conclusive remarks were discussed by Thomas Van Elsen, Professor at University of Kassel, and by Fabio Ciri – farm owner of the “Azienda Agricola Le Due Torri” from Italy, with the conclusive speech on “Let’s keep the discussion going”.